Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis

Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis

Did you know that osteoporosis affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 8 men above the age of 50 in the country? These are terribly worrying figures and unless you protect yourself with a good diet and regular exercise, you will fall prey to this painful and uncomfortable condition. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bone loses its density and gets porous. This results in an increased chance of fracture and pain. Here are some lifestyle treatments for osteoporosis that you can follow to prevent the condition.

Start Dancing
Dancing is such a fun way to handle osteoporosis. Doctors recommend that their patients get physically active to prevent further degeneration of bones. If you are not able to keep up with any of the workout regimes suggested, then dancing is for you. Dancing keeps all the parts of the body agile and nimble. You can also choose the pace and the exertion that is comfortable for you. This fun and enjoyable treatment for osteoporosis will also keep you happy and joyful every day.

Practice Yoga
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that stretches and exercises every single muscle in the body. There are so many poses of yoga that could be beneficial for those suffering from osteoporosis. Initially, you might have to get the help of a yoga instructor to learn the poses and then you can start doing them at home easily. This treatment for osteoporosis definitely brings about a difference in the amount of pain and discomfort you experience.

Aim to Balance Your BMI
People who are overweight find it very difficult to handle osteoporosis as the excess weight adds more pressure on the bones. However, being underweight is also not great as you have a lesser bone mass to handle everyday activities. Find your healthy weight range on the basis of your BMI levels and make sure you fall into this category.

Get Calcium from Natural Foods
It is no surprise that calcium is a very important ingredient needed to maintain the health of your bones. As you grow older, you should be concentrating on getting more calcium-rich foods on your plate. Hence, one of the best lifestyle treatments for osteoporosis is to add cheese, butter, and yogurt to your meals. You can also include fish such as sardines and salmon. The more calcium you get from food, the better will be your condition.

Choose Fortified Foods
This lifestyle treatment for osteoporosis recommends you choose fortified foods over regular food options. Fortified foods are those that are enriched with more nutrients than those already present in the food. Most fortified foods come with Vitamins A, B, D, folic acids, calcium, and magnesium. All these are good for your bones and help you stay fit.

Do practice all these above-mentioned lifestyle treatments for osteoporosis. If you are trying out something new, definitely talk to your doctor before taking it up.