Naturally Ways to Manage ADHD in Kids
Parents get very worried when their kids are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is nothing to be alarmed about though. Apart from the medications that are prescribed for your child, there are many natural ways of managing the condition and help your child to stay calm and focused. These remedies are safe and offer great results in the long-term. Check out these natural treatments for ADHD and also share them with others who have children with ADHD.
Harness the Power of Exercise
There was a time when exercising was thought beneficial only for the body. Now, it has been proven to be equally good for the mind. When you exercise, the body releases certain hormones that can relax the mind and keep it calm and composed. ADHD experts emphasize that working out is a perfect natural treatment for ADHD. One hour of exercising a day will bring amazing changes in your child. You can also enroll them in classes such as gymnastics, dancing, or martial arts to get the benefits of working out.
Cut Down on Sugars
Sugar has unfortunately become an integral part of food that we offer to our children. Homes are filled with sugary treats such as cakes, chocolates, packaged drinks, and carbonated beverages. A “sugar rush” is a term that means hyperactivity of the brain because of all the excess glucose the body receives. One of the best natural treatments for ADHD is to completely cut down all these sugary snacks and treats. Start offering fruits, dry nuts and other natural snacks to children with ADHD.
Opt for Omega-3 Supplements
Omega 3 fatty acids are known to improve brain and nerve functioning. There are several studies that prove that regular doses of Omega-3 help calm the mind. Natural sources of Omega 3 fatty acids are fish, walnuts, berries, and avocadoes. If your child is a fussy eater, you can also introduce Omega 3 fatty acid supplements after consulting your doctor.
Keep Foods with Preservatives Out of the House
In recent studies that discuss the causes of ADHD, scientists mention that foods enriched with preservatives such as sodium benzoate can trigger hyperactivity in children. Natural treatments for ADHD require parents to opt for fresh food and try to cook for children at home instead of depending on packaged and frozen foods.
Take Your Kids Outside the House
Being cooped up inside the house or the school all day long can make kids restless and hyperactive. You can control the signs of ADHD by spending time with your child outside the house. Parks, sports arenas, or any calm and fun outdoor space is a great way for you and your child to unwind and relax.
Practice these natural treatments for ADHD at home. Create a diet plan and schedule of activities and share it with your partner and the rest of your family members. You will definitely see a great change in your child with time.