Different Types and Causes for Anemia

Different Types and Causes for Anemia

Blood is an important factor of human life, carrying essential elements like oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body including the brain. Red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets constitute the main elements in blood. Hemoglobin is a pigment in the red blood cells that helps carry oxygen to the organs. Anemia indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood, which is related to the low level of hemoglobin or the low number of red blood cells. Loss of oxygen leads to brain hypoxia even if the blood flow continues. This causes anxiety, confusion, and restlessness. Different types of anemia and their causes Anemia can occur due to two primary reasons: A) reduced production of red blood cells and B) increased destruction of red blood cells. Mentioned below are the types of anemia that occur due to these 2 causes: Anemia caused due to reduced production of red blood cells: Pernicious anemia: This type of anemia is caused by an issue in the stomach or in the gastric parietal cells. This is caused by the auto-immunity system, which affects the absorption capacity leading to a deficiency of Vitamin B12. Anemia due to kidney disease: Here, a problem is created due to non-production or low production of the hormone erythropoietin, which helps the bone marrow to produce red blood cells.
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Therapeutic Treatments for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Therapeutic Treatments for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a serious disease that is hereditary and involves the loss of motor neurons, which are basically the nerve cells that control voluntary muscle movement. SMA is unfortunately not completely curable but there are a few treatment options that can be done to prolong the lifespan of patients with SMA. Physical therapy or physiotherapy and rehabilitation are some of the treatment methods used to fight SMA in the following ways: 1. Physiotherapy and SMA Physiotherapy is something that concentrates on movement. This treatment options for spinal muscle atrophy involves a physiotherapist who designs an exercise program that is tailored to suit the patient’s needs in order to improve posture, prevent joint mobility and slow muscle weakness. Exercises that involve strengthening and stretching exercises may help reduce spasticity, improve circulation and increase range of motion. In some cases people may require further therapy for speech, swallowing and chewing difficulties. 2. Occupational therapy and SMA A session with an occupational therapist might also be necessary, as the therapist may prescribe the use of assistive equipment like wheelchairs for mobility, limb orthotics or braces and other devices that can help make the daily life of the patient much easier.
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Radiation Therapy Treatment for Different Types of Breast Cancer

Radiation Therapy Treatment for Different Types of Breast Cancer

Radiation therapy is one of the common treatments for breast cancer. High energy X-rays or protons are used to kill cancer cells. If the cells are growing too fast, radiation therapy works best. External radiation therapy is where a machine delivers radiation to the breast. This is the most commonly used therapy for breast cancer. Internal radiation therapy is another procedure used to treat breast cancer. During surgery for breast cancer, the doctor places radiation delivery devices in your breast. For short periods the device is activated and the radioactive source is delivered to the breast. Radiation therapy is most effective when used after surgery, and if there are signs of a relapse. Lumpectomy and radiation therapy Whole breast radiation for the entire breast is done after a lumpectomy. Larger doses are given in shorter periods in contrast to longer cycles that were prevalent earlier. This shorter cycle is normally completed in about three weeks. Partial breast radiation is done if breast cancer is in its initial stages. Radiation is conducted only on that part where surgery was done. For a smaller area, internal radiation can also be done for shorter durations of time — once a day for three or five days.
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Symptoms for Prevalent Types of Skin Cancer

Symptoms for Prevalent Types of Skin Cancer

When cells divide uncontrollably with a lack of any mechanisms to keep that growth in check, the condition that develops is known as cancer. The uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in the skin leads to skin cancer. Cancer can usually spread to other parts of the body if it is not controlled in the earlier stages. In the country, 1 in every 5 people in the population is known to be affected by some type of skin cancer in their lifetime. When it comes to skin cancer, each of them has a distinct appearance that can be really helpful to identify the condition in the earlier stages to prevent complications. Based on the origin of cancer, it is divided into three different types of skin cancer: Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, and Melanoma. These different types of skin cancer appear in the following way: Basal Cell Carcinoma This condition is known to be the most common type of skin cancer. In addition to that, this usually occurs in people with fair complexion. Basal cell carcinoma develops as a round growth with flesh color or a patch of skin in a pinkish color. It could grow to look like a bump resembling a pearl.
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Natural Remedies for Arthritis Pain

Natural Remedies for Arthritis Pain

The purpose of pain is to ensure that the body understands a need for immediate attention that is required to the area of the incident due to factors that can affect the wellbeing of the individual. The pain appears in a human being when there is tissue damage that needs immediate attention to eliminate further issues. Pain in the joints is known as arthritis pain and it appears when there is an inflammation in the joints accompanied by stiffness however there are natural remedies available to lower the damage caused. Types of arthritis The human body consists of 360 joints and if you experience pain in any of these joints, it can be due to arthritis as well. Some of the common types of arthritis are as follows. Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Juvenile arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis Lupus erythematosus Gout Psoriatic arthritis What causes arthritis? Arthritis is caused due to various factors. Listed below are a few of the major ones that affect the day-to-day activities of an individual and it depends on the type of arthritis. Obesity Injury to the joints Hereditary condition Infections Overactive immune system Uncharacteristic metabolism Natural remedies for arthritis Arthritis is a condition that requires an intervention of the doctor.
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Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a condition that can become fatal in time if the signs and symptoms are not properly diagnosed on time and proper care is not given. There are treatments however which are capable of helping individuals live with the symptoms of this condition in a better way. When the blood pressure is significantly higher in the arteries which are present between the heart and the lungs, the condition affecting the body is known as Pulmonary arterial hypertension. This condition makes it difficult for the flow of blood due to the narrowing of small arteries present in the lungs. This, in consequence, increases blood pressure. Hence, the condition is different than the normal high blood pressure situation. The signs and symptoms of this condition are as follows: Oxygen deprivation In this condition, the arteries carrying the blood between the heart and lungs are affected and become narrow. This causes an interruption in the flow of blood from the heart to lungs which ultimately affects the availability of oxygen to the body. This symptom develops to display the signs of hypoxia and rapid breathing in the patient. If any physical activity is performed, this shortness of breath would worsen.
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Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is considered as a common sleep disorder where one’s breathing is interrupted several times during sleep. Although considered common, it could potentially lead to serious health complications if left unattended. According to a study by an institute, approximately 18 million citizens have sleep apnea but sadly only 20% of them have been diagnosed and treated. Who can get affected by sleep apnea? Sleep apnea could affect adults, children and toddlers alike. However, some of the identifying signs and symptoms of sleep apnea could vary based on the age group. What are the potential risks if left untreated? Sleep apnea contributes to type 2 diabetes and also heart disease with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Sleep apnea also increased the chances of hypertension – high blood pressure. Besides the above medical complications, there is also the risk of metabolic issues, impaired cognition combined with the difficulty in focusing, increased risk of motor vehicle accidents due to lack of sleep, decreased quality of life, among others. What are the early signs and symptoms of sleep apnea? It is crucial that you carefully pay attention to the following symptoms: Loud snoring Either you or your partner notices that you have been snoring loudly and this has been pretty much consistently and not as a one-off incident.
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A Comprehensive List of Ulcer Types

A Comprehensive List of Ulcer Types

An ulcer is commonly referred to as the break in the membrane of the body causing an impediment for that organ to function effectively. There are several types of ulcers but the most commonly known are related to the gastrointestinal area, mouth and the ulcers that take the form of wounds. Here is a comprehensive list to give you the awareness you need: Dermatology related ulcers This is a situation where there is a break in the skin. They are largely classified as: Pressure ulcers That which happens because the body or part of the body exhibits continued pressure on a specific area for a long time. Bedsores are a kind of pressure ulcer too. Genital ulcers Enlarged lymph nodes could be a potential reason why ulcers develop in the genitals. Other reasons include sexually transmitted diseases like genital herpes, chancroid or syphilis. Ulcerative dermatitis Caused due to intense itching which causes aggravation and perpetuates the lesion. The primary cause in this case would be a bacterial, fungal or yeast infection. Anal fissure This is a condition where there is a break in the skin of the anal canal. They can be diagnosed by noticing bloodstains in the toilet or in the undergarments.
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Early and Late Progression Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Early and Late Progression Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a complicated condition that begins and progresses taking in multiple factors that can vastly affect the direction it would proceed in. This leads to a lot of speculation and the patients and families affected by this condition can be prone to a lot of unnecessary stress which can be cleared with some clarity. While the triggers of this condition are not still completely clear, one can expect certain events to occur definitively as based on the general progression followed by rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the common questions seen when it comes to the progression of rheumatoid arthritis after incurring the initial symptoms are as follows. What to expect and prepare for? The disease seems to be pretty complicated as it builds its own unique pattern in each patient. This unique pattern leads to the development of unpredictable symptoms that need to be solved taking the individual and their health conditions into account. Some of the problems which could arise in most patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are as follows: Initially, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis appear and disappear. The intensity with which the symptoms are shown in the body and the severity with which they affect the individual would change over time.
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The Most Common Types of Hepatitis

The Most Common Types of Hepatitis

When someone has Hepatitis, it means that their liver cells have enlarged or inflamed. The liver does some of the crucial activities in our body which includes detoxifying blood, storing vitamins, and not to forget the production of hormones. Unfortunately, Hepatitis can certainly disrupt any of these functions and lead to severe health complications for one’s health. Main types of Hepatitis The three main types of Hepatitis are popularly known as Hepatitis A, B and C. Each is caused by a different virus and can be acute with symptoms ranging anywhere between 2 weeks to 6 months. However, Hepatitis B and C could last longer. Hepatitis A A study reported that just in the country alone,1390 cases of Hepatitis A were reported in the year 2015. People are often known to make a full recovery and the good news is that they become immune to the infection and therefore are protected from the virus in the future. Predominantly when sanitation is poor, there is a high risk of contracting HAV. Hepatitis B Yet another common type of Hepatitis, and can be transmitted in the following cases: The person has sexual intercourse with an already infected person Shared needles with an already infected person Does tattoo with unsterilized needles Shares personal hygiene products like a toothbrush or even a razor with an infected person Infected mothers with Hepatitis B usually passes the same to the child when breastfeeding Vaccines are available for Hepatitis B and across the world, the incidents of Hepatitis B have drastically come down Hepatitis C Studies have shown that around 1 out of 4 people with Hepatitis C (HCV) get cirrhosis which could potentially lead to liver cancer.
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